‘Twas the night before New Year’s and all through the houses, all the creatures were stirring especially these spouses.
Their hopes were hung on the website with care in hopes that the funding soon would be there.
The Admins were lying awake in their beds while delusions of grandeur danced in their heads.
While Melissa did yoga to try and relax, she did what she could to keep stress from the max.
Meanwhile on Facebook there was suddenly a lot of chatter, Melissa dove in to see what was the matter.
An all-call for help was the source of the stir; the issue was handled in a fast-paced blur.
The spouse was happy with all that she got; she knew that the answers would help her a lot.
The admins work hard to help families in need; they don’t see it as more than doing a good deed.
Their crew is dedicated, lively and quick, they work rain and shine, when healthy and sick
Their leader is devoted, caring, and the same, she is loving and known as Melissa by name.
“Now Kristina, Now Lori, Now Serena and Heather! Now Devin, now Valerie, Tricia, and Heather!”
“To the computers and phones for resources galore! Don’t stop, don’t stop, we will always need more!”
Day and night they work hard to help a fellow spouse, which means they often forget to clean their own house.
This crew is quite motley, yes motley indeed and will work with dedication, much love, and speed.
This past year has had ups and downs and nearly flew, together they are strong and their love is the glue.
These ladies have seen it all and that is no spoof, you Can survive the hard, they are the living proof.
This group is expert at this roller coaster life, dealing with good and bad, ease and strife.
They represent many services both active and guard, living this life especially when it gets hard.
This past year was tough on each and every one, but despite what was endured the battle was won.
Their eyes will all twinkle, even when they are blurry, their smiles are there even when they are weary.
Through the deployments, illness, and struggle, they balance their lives with merely a juggle,
The separations, homeschooling, and fun of redeployments, have taught them that this life isn’t always enjoyments.
Their independence has grown now each one is tough, they have learned the hard way that it can often be rough.
This year while tough also had much love and tears, these tears were of joy and sometimes of fear.
Together they are there, always for each other, sometimes as sister, aunt, and sometimes as mother
This group has grown, grown so much, so fast, but they are here to stay and here to last.
Knowing that someone may need them, they are always hard at it, when you call them, they will answer, don’t ever doubt it.
Spouses helping spouses has always been their goal, when they are needed; they are there, dedicated to their role.
This year saw many changes with more to come; this group of ladies is dedicated to creating the perfect home.
So they leave you with this as they prepare for the brand new year, Happy New Year to you and all that you hold dear!
Happy New Year to each and every one of you! Without you, we would be a group of women on a webpage blogging to each other. We wanted to share some of our past year with you as a thank you for sharing your year with us:
I learned I am just as tough as I thought I was. Sometimes more tender than I hoped I was. And that I am also worth my own pursuit of happiness. I have learned that years of waiting on someone through years of war will actually compile and eventually leak out of a person. I have also learned that there is a way through, if I search for it.
At the end of the year in the shadow of an upcoming deployment, already feeling tired from the months of separation we’ve already endured this fall I am tempted to see life as nothing more than a series of times of missing. As I was gathering up photos from our past year for gifts, what I saw instead was a series of sweet memories. Some were when he was here, some were when he was gone, but all of them had a spark of life unique to our family.
We are more than the missing.
I started the year not being in control of my own life. 11 months later I have realized that I am strong; and I have the power to change my story.
The last year has been hard. Harder than I thought I could bear. But in going through the darkness, I found my true friends, those that will support me and love me no matter what I do or what happens in my life.
2013 has been a year of learning. Learning to trust myself. Learning to trust others. Learning to listen. Learning to pick myself up. Learning to love myself where I am. Learning to let go and enjoy the adventure.
~Heather Saville-Rummel
This past year was one of growth for me. I truly learned how to ask for help and I learned that it isn’t a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. I learned how to walk again in more ways than one and that my inner beauty is all that matters even when it is just as scarred as my outer body. I look forward to the challenges of the New Year and I can’t wait to shed the weight of 2013 issues so that I may soar in 2014.
The lessons I learned in 2013 have changed me forever. I am enough. Learning to strive for excellence instead of perfection gave me the strength to give myself a break, forgive my mistakes and know, with confidence and certainty, when I can stop trying because I have given my all and done my best. And that is enough.
Learning to see Me in the mirror and not who “should” or “could” be there helped to break down walls that had been preventing me from opening up to others and trusting that when I’m told, “I’m listening. I care. You are not alone” it is the truth. There are thoughtful, honest and loving people who get me and support me.
Finally, Learning that my story isn’t finished until I say it is has allowed me the space and time to grieve a loss and grow from the experience. And to pick up my pen and start a brand new adventure in 2014. ~ Lori
Happy New Year to you all! ~Serena and Heather R.