see.” ~The Polar Express
I don’t have too many memories of Christmas Past, as in my life before marriage. I remember
that we had a little three foot tree and colored lights but nobody seemed happy. The year before
my parents divorced, my Mom won a box of beautiful ornaments. These were handmade
stained glass, woven wheat, beaded baubles, etc. That was the first time that I can remember
seeing Christmas spirit in her.
I married a man that came from a family that went all out with Christmas. Christmas lights,
decorations, gifts, and so much more. He shared that with me and I was hooked. But it is not
about the gifts, to me it is about the gift of believing and sharing, and the gift of Light. And the
Every year, I pull out the many strands of white lights and decorate the trees. I love the sights,
the sounds, the smells, everything about this glorious time of year. I love the lights and I will sit
for hours in just the glow of the lights.
I created new traditions with my family. We watch all the fun Christmas movies together, even
with one kid is currently stationed in Korea. We can still watch together as we Skype. We watch
Christmas Vacation and Elf, Prep and Landing, and no holiday is complete without The Santa
Clause. Over the years, we have added new favorites like The Grinch. However, there is one
movie that I watch every year with my Christmas baby and that is White Christmas. That is her
personal favorite and mine too. I watched that with my Mom. My daughter turns 23 this
Christmas morning and we will watch that movie and eat the cookies that we baked.
I am a traditional person and I treasure those traditions. Every year, I get a new Snowman and I
add one ornament that symbolizes my year. This year, I got a Crab. He represents the EOD
Warrior Foundation Warriors and their families that I am blessed to work with.
Every year, I get a new Nutcracker.
There might be nine Christmas trees in my house….maybe. Each one has a theme.
It is tradition.
Each year, we open one Family gift and a new set of pajamas on Christmas Eve. The gift is
usually a game or a movie. This year, will not be any different.
It is the traditions.
Every year we go to Christmas Eve service and then drive around and look at the lights and
then go home to watch movies and wait for Santa to come.
Many, many years ago, my kids got wise to the whole Santa thing but they still believe in the
magic of the season and the traditions that we have created together. Actually, I think they kept
believing because they were afraid that they wouldn’t get presents if they stopped believing. My
children are all adults and there is one rule….you have to Believe.
You just have to believe. I hope that everyone finds something to believe in this holiday season.
It has been a long, hard year and we all need a break. I hope you find one.
Keep believing…..