We default to it when we do not want to believe something.
You get a positive pregnancy test and you go take another because that first one could be a wrong.
You find out that a friend from high school married your ex-boyfriend and you insist that it is a joke.
When our spouses are getting ready to deploy we notice all the things that annoy us about them.
We hide behind these little annoying things.
We bury the real issue, the fact that we are going to miss them while they are gone.
We are going to worry.
We will be lying awake at night wondering if they are going outside the wire or if the threat will come to their FOB (forward operating base).
We hide.
We hide the fear, the anger, and our feelings.
This is normal.
It is how we cope.
It gives our brains time to come to terms with the stress and the change.
It gives us time to find a way to survive the battles that are in our near future.
So we fight our soldiers over the little things.
We nick pick their every wrong move and we hide from the real bombs a little longer.
This is normal.
This is survival.